PreMidterm_Presentation Spreads : download the presentation slides here.
We first examined existing material paradigms of the fields most closely associated with material studies.
Material scientists have a bottom up approach to materials; they examine material composition and allow that to determine material properties. Engineers approach materials from the top down; they determine performative requirements and select materials based on how well they fit these requirements. Architects categorize materials based on predefined categories of material systems and applications. This type of classification biases traditional materials and does not lend itself to new materials that do not easily fit into predefined categories. Using three categories of new materials (nanomaterials, transmaterials, and metamaterials) we tried to map intersections between these categorizations and project a future classification that could be applicable across disciplines.
We compiled an index of some of the overarching categories of materials that exist within our fields of interest:
We also looked into specific projects that apply these emerging material technologies:
The following graphs attempt to map these materials against common parameters and against each other: